The Family Medical Clinic in Lowell, Arkansas is embarking on an exciting new project with a major concrete pour happening on site. The scope of work includes structural footings, slab on grade, concrete paving, curb and gutter, and light pole bases, and more! This project is essential for the construction of a new building at the clinic, providing a solid foundation for future growth and development.
The structural footings are a crucial component of the project, providing the necessary support and stability for the new building. These footings will ensure that the clinic is built to last, with a strong and durable foundation. The slab on grade will provide a level surface for the new building, creating a smooth and even base for the structure to sit on.
Concrete paving is another key aspect of the project, providing a durable and long-lasting surface for patients and staff to walk on. The paving will create a safe and accessible pathway around the new building, making it easy for everyone to navigate the site. Curb and gutter work will also be completed, providing proper drainage and ensuring that rainwater is directed away from the structure.
Light pole bases are an important part of the project, providing the necessary support for lighting around the new building. These bases will ensure that the site is well-lit and secure, creating a safe environment for patients and staff, especially during the evening hours.
Overall, the concrete pour at the Family Medical Clinic in Northwest Arkansas is a crucial step in the construction of the new building at the facility. The scope of work includes a varieety of important elements, all of which will contribute to the success of the project. Once completed, the new building will have a solid foundation for future growth and development, ensuring that it can continue to serve the community for years to come.